About Us

At Medic On Demand, our mission is to increase access to high quality, convenient and affordable health care.

What is Medic On Demand?

Medic On Demand is a cost-effective healthcare platform connecting patients and Healthcare providers to deliver care anytime, anywhere. Our innovative technology will lower costs, improve patient outcomes, reduce patient wait times and enhance the overall patient healthcare experience.


What does Medic On Demand do?

Medic On Demand virtualizes the entire physical workflow of a healthcare provider, making the process of care much easier.

Our Virtual assistant walks hand-in-hand through the entire care process of the patient be it Pre care, Care or Post care. This includes:

  • Making appointments
  • Seeing a physician
  • Getting prescriptions
  • Lab work
  • Referrals
  • Understanding their health through predictive analysis
  • Post discharge instructions
  • Medication adherence

With Medic On Demand there is now a fast, convenient and affordable option.

A doctor's visit on an average can take up to four hours out of an employee's day with the hassle of driving and waiting. This doesn’t include the time to schedule and maybe even reschedule the appointment. All this while the employee is sick and between work. With Medic On Demand this time can be cut down to a maximum of 15 minutes and done at the comfort of your own office or the employee's home.

Keep you and your family happy, healthy and engaged through our holistic health and wellness platform. Our personalized platform allows families the ability to assess, track and stay informed about their health using our proprietary software along with being able to visit a doctor via the Internet whenever they feel necessary.

Who are we?

We are entrepreneurs, business leaders and healthcare experts.
By working together with providers, health systems, retailers and payers, we can and will produce the highest quality, lowest cost healthcare appointment on the market today.

Why us?

Part of what makes us so special is the way we bring together modern technology and convenience with recognized providers that people can count on. It’s our technology, our software and our network working together with fantastic providers to create efficient, effective and extraordinary care.

Grab the Doctor

Medic On Demand is a convenient and affordable way to manage your health better and it is a replacement for your regular visit to a doctor or a health professional or incase of any medical treatments. We provide the best doctor support within your range and we also provide insurance for your all medications.


What can we treat?

The Providers at Medic On Demand can treat all your common ailments, like:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sore Throat
  • Acne
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Ear Infection
  • Sinus Infection
  • Headache
  • Insect Bites
  • Nausea
  • Rashes and Other Skin Conditions*
  • Eye infections
  • Travel Related sickness
  • Minor Sport Injuries and aches
  • Pediatric consulting
  • Psychiatric consulting
  • Maternity and OB Questions
  • Lactation consulting
  • Prescription Refill
  • *If our providers feel that the condition of the patient needs an in person visit by a provider or requires immediate help as it can be a serious condition, they will contact our network of physicians or your primary physician to secure a same day appointment or in other cases refer you to an urgent care or Emergency room.

Medic On Demand App Available

Download the iOS app from your iPhone and use Medic On Demand software, Search for the best doctors for your temparory and permonent medical treatments. Its easy, download now!. AVAILABLE ON STORES