Telehealth is one of the fastest growing areas of healthcare. Securely see, diagnose and treat patients through your own private HIPAA Compliant portal – all at your convenience
A virtual exam typically takes about 10 minutes. Save yourself (and your patients) time by conducting visits for ailments online
Optimize your downtime by consulting with your patients when they don’t have time to come to your office
Your patients are satisfied as they have quicker turnarounds and you have more space and time to see more patients. In addition to your own patients, Medic On Demand can also direct patients towards you by helping promote your virtual practice with our patient engagement modules
You can connect with patients outside your normal geography
Download the iOS app from your iPhone and use Medic On Demand software, Search for the best doctors for your temparory and permonent medical treatments. Its easy, download now!. AVAILABLE ON STORES