Treatment available 24/7/365
Deliver on-demand care to your members
Manage increased healthcare coverage by offering virtual care and improving patient communication with our patient engagement and telemedicine modules. Differentiate your plan and compete on the exchanges with telehealth, a great alternative to Emergency room and urgent care visits.
Deliver round-the-clock access to quality care, while maintaining a cost-effective setting for your health system and members
Increase your membership – not your bottom line. Medic On Demand can help you increase revenue by boosting enrollment and reducing claims costs
Ensure continuity of care throughout all aspects of the patient experience – from the moment they feel sick to the moment they feel better
Enhance patient satisfaction and provider productivity by treating patients virtually. Telemedicine can help reduce hospital re-admissions, lower treatment costs and promote continuity of care
Download the iOS app from your iPhone and use Medic On Demand software, Search for the best doctors for your temparory and permonent medical treatments. Its easy, download now!. AVAILABLE ON STORES